Students who are homeschooled add wonderful depth of perspective and experience to the SPU learning community — and we are glad you are considering SPU!
All applicants, homeschoolers included, apply to SPU using the SPU Application or the Common Application online. It’s quick, easy, and secure.
Your essential checklist for applying to SPU:
- The SPU Application or the Common Application, including the school report, completed by your parent or homeschool teacher.
- $50 application fee.
- Official college transcripts, if you’ve received credit from another college or Running Start and the credit is not reflected on your high school transcript.
- High school transcript*, including all courses completed, a grade for each course, a cumulative unweighted GPA (4.0 scale), signed by a parent or homeschool administrator. High school transcripts must be mailed by parent/homeschool administrator to the Office of Admissions or emailed to
- Test scores: We are test optional. That means applicants can choose whether or not to submit ACT or SAT scores. Please see the test score policy.
*Some applicants may be asked to submit a summary of their homeschool curriculum and reading list.
Some helpful tips for homeschooled applicants:
- Recommendations are optional,
but if you choose to submit one, it should come from someone other than a
parent, someone who has knowledge of your academic performance and
character. (Some students have received recommendations from another
parent in their homeschool co-op, or a teacher from the public school
where they may have taken a class.)
- Interviews are not required, but they may be helpful. Contact your counselor to learn about whether an interview is a good option for you.
- For students in Running Start or other dual enrollment,
these courses should be listed on the homeschool transcript, and a
transcript should also be submitted from the college where credit was
- Admission for homeschooled students will depend
heavily on test scores, writing ability, and academic curriculum. Some
homeschooled students may be required to submit a GED.
If you apply by Early Action, you should receive notification of
acceptance sometime in January. Students applying for regular admission
will likely hear from SPU in March.
Once you accept admission, more information will follow about priority financial aid, class registration, and student life opportunities.